Academy 4 Achievement
For the past 25 years, we have helped students throughout the United States and abroad achieve academic excellence. The academy has an excellent record and superb reputation in helping thousands of high school and college students excel and achieve remarkable results. At Academy 4 Achievement, we offer online courses, tutoring services in all subject areas, as well as college and grad school consulting. We provide comprehensive and top-rated SAT/ACT and GRE/GMAT Prep programs, Computer Programming courses, and high-level Math courses that help students accomplish immediate and incredible results. At Academy 4 Achievement, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality online courses, college consulting services, and top-notch tutoring services. Let us help your student achieve academic excellence and score higher than you thought possible! It's that simple!
We are proud of our students and the improved scores they have achieved. We believe your student can do the same and we are ready to help them achieve their goals. Contact us today to learn how we can help your student learn the techniques and find the confidence to master the SAT/ACT or the GRE/GMAT. We will help your student achieve the test results that they want. Our students are taught to study smarter, not harder. Here we also provide tutoring services using innovative and effective teaching strategies to high school and college students in all academic subject areas. Our unique teaching strategies work with students of all levels and learning styles. Our students benefit from excelling in any subject area and acquiring critical thinking skills.
We provide full guidance and support to high school, college, as well as homeschooled students. With us, your student will learn and acquire tools to achieve scores and grades beyond their full potential. Don’t delay! Schedule your free consultation today.
Taly Cotler, the founder, and owner of Academy 4 Achievement has a broad and diversified educational background in both Computer Sciences and Mathematics. After leaving her long-time position as a Software Engineer, she decided to pursue her passion to teach so she acquired a teaching certificate in High-level Mathematics and Computer Sciences.
Having an extensive educational and professional background in Information Technology and Mathematics has helped her develop unique and effective teaching techniques. Those which are based on the dominance of the Right-Left hemispheres of the brain which help students reach their full potential and beyond.
She has trained her tutors to use these innovative and effective teaching strategies to convey the material in a simplified manner. With those teaching methods, Academy 4 Achievement has helped thousands of high school and college students excel and achieve immediate results and significant improvement in their scores/grades.
With Taly's leadership, Academy 4 Achievement has earned a superb
reputation for offering quality, and top-notch educational services
Taly developed outstanding online courses combining her decades of teaching experience. Her innovative teaching strategies work with students of all levels and learning styles. She integrated logic and problem-solving skills into her courses and her students benefit from her educational background and extensive experience. The students benefit from excelling in Mathematics, scoring high on their standardized testing as well as acquiring critical thinking skills.
Online courses are available in: SAT and ACT Preparation, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, Computer Sciences as well as GMAT and GRE preparation. Our online courses can be accessed nationally and internationally. Virtual tutoring is also available in test prep, Math, Computer Sciences, and all other subject areas. We also offer comprehensive college counseling for undergraduate and graduate studies.
Our courses include material explained in a simplified manner that will guide you through flexible and independent yet interactive and dynamic study.
Our tutors are experienced & professional who hold either a Bachelor, Masters or PhD degrees.